Mature Student Guide

York University is home to more than 6,000 mature students! You can be one of them! Your practical experience is definitely an important factor to your academic success and your goals are similar to those of younger students. Create positive change for your life.

Am I a mature student? At York, you’re considered a mature student if you have been admitted via the Mature Student Basis of Admission, are starting your degree at age 25 or older, or have been out of formal schooling for a period of 5 years or more. At ACMAPS, we serve students ranging in age from 20 to 85, and we’re prepared to support students at any point along their journey to graduation.

Transition: Preparing for University

After being away from school for years, how can you transition or prepare for university as a mature student? Don’t focus on academics entirely because the work, personal experience and critical thinking skills you have developed while working and raising a family may apply to the learning tasks you will face in your courses. The journey to university involves having deep planning and meaningful conversations with your family or employer. Balancing work, school and family take patience, persistence and determination. Remember to take time for fun, family and exploring opportunities outside the classroom, which in turn will support your overall wellbeing. It may be hard to get back into a school routine, or navigate the campus, however, do not quit! There are many resources available for mature students to succeed.


YU Start is a new student transition program, where students can enrol in courses, connect with professors, classmates and get information on campus life, resources and supports.


Mature Student Orientation

There is a specific orientation offered for mature students new to campus. The session is tailored to the needs of adult learners/mature students. You’ll build connections with staff, faculty, and you and your fellow students will learn how Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part-time Students (ACMAPS) can be a valuable asset to you throughout your years of study.

Mature Student Orientation

Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part-Time Students (ACMAPS)

The Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part-Time Students responds to the unique needs of mature students from admission to graduation. Programming is focused on orientation, mature student success series workshops and mentoring. This is a great resource for mature students on campus.

Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part-Time Students

The Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part-Time Students (ACMAPS) values our mature student(s) decision to return to school, your personal courage and dedication to persevere and attain your academic goals (some of whom are part-time students, transfer students or student-parents). ACMAPS understands the responsibility that goes into making such a decision and wanted to provide ample resources that would guide your journey as a York Lion from admission to graduation.

Student Accessibility Services

Student Accessibility Services helps students with disabilities transition to their studies at York and facilitates/coordinates individualized support and academic accommodation for students with disabilities based on an assessment of their unique needs.

Student Accessibility Services

Student Counselling and Development

Student Counselling and Development aims to achieve a professional and supportive environment for all students. They exist to you help manage the challenge of university life by offering individual counselling, group counselling and workshops. This service is free to all York U students.

Student Counselling and Development

Learning Skills Services

Learning Skills Services is a department housed under Student Success Centre at York University. Learning Skills offers workshops that are designed to promote academic success for all students on campus.

Learning Skills Services

Writing Centre

The Writing Centre is an amazing resource for all students. The centre offers one to one writing support, writing workshops and online writing support.

Writing Centre

Student Papers & Academic Resource Kit (SPARK)

Student Papers & Academic Resource Kit (SPARK) is an online tool that offers you a guide to writing successful papers. There are various modules you can review to assist you when writing university papers.

Student Papers & Academic Resource Kit (SPARK)

As an undergrad, I found that I was one of the few or only mature students in class. Feeling out of place, I found like-minded staff and students at both York University Mature Student Organization (YUMSO) and Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part-Time Students (ACMAPS). As a Peer Mentor at ACMAPS, I also got rich training that equipped me to support other students and benefiting me personally and as a scholar! Kate Moo King-Curtis (Children, Childhood & Youth, Mature Student)

Mature Student Housing

Did you know that as a mature student at York U, you have access to mature student housing? York apartments or Passy Gardens apartments are options for you.

Mature Student Housing

Advising: Planning a Program Path

You may have questions about choosing a program or staying on track with your degree progress. There are skilled advisors within each Faculty that provide guidance as it relates to your specific program. With them, you can discuss in detail how to complete your degree. You are familiar with your strengths and weakness, and you have a better idea of what you are good at and what does not work for you.

Registrar’s Office

The Registrar’s Office is where you find your enrollment information, student records, exams and tests, exam schedule, timetable, eClass (previously Moodle), grades and transcripts, letters, academic calendars etc.

Registrar’s Office

Academic Advising

Academic Advising is a must for all students on campus. This is an opportunity for you to meet with an academic advisor to discuss your degree requirements, your grades, courses, petitions, your yearly planning in order to complete your degree. Advising offices are based on the Faculty you are enrolled in. Find out where your Faculty advising office is located and how to connect/schedule an appointment with an advisor:

Academic Advising

Degree Progress Report

What is a Degree Progress Report? A degree progress report is an online self-serve tool that allows students to track their progress towards their degree.

Degree Progress Report

Success: A Mature Student Perspective

What does success mean to you? Most mature students define success in terms of balancing school with work and home lives, understanding the course and getting good grades. What skills need to be sharpened to be successful? It can be essay writing, working in groups with younger students, time management, study tips/habits etc. Success also means changing your mindset and removing obstacles/facing challenges as an older student.

Tips to assist you in becoming successful as a mature student include staying focused and diligent, leveraging your work experience in the environment of the classroom, treating learning as a break from work and building connections with others in the classroom. Aim for balance in your schedule, ask for help from family and friends, inform professors of your situation and put less pressure on yourself. Do homework with your kids, enhance your skills using new technologies, be realistic, seek support at school and last but not least, seek financial help, if needed.

My overall experience as a mature student was excellent! Countless resources were offered to help me thrive in my studies and propelled my personal growth from day one. Once I started attending various practical workshops and social gatherings in a more intimate setting at ACMAPS, I felt more confident in my skills and connected with other mature students. I felt part of a real community. – Katalin Halasz (Psychology, Mature Student)

Career Planning + Future Studies

Mature students’ reasons for attending university tend to give them an edge on success. You may be looking for career mobility or a new career. Maybe you’re here to gain a sense of personal fulfillment. You might also want to serve as a role model to others and prove to them that they are capable of obtaining a university degree. You bring a wealth of lived experience to the classroom whether it be from work, another institution or family life – all this enhances the quality of learning in your classroom. Mature students are exemplary students who sometimes “coach” other students in lectures. Most of you either enter the working world after graduation or go onto complete graduate studies and do well! Your ambition and drive for success are quite high!

Career Centre

Did you know York U has a Career Centre on campus? It is a free service for students. The Career Centre offers current students and new grads with job search strategies, career options, building various skills via on campus jobs, workshops on resume writing, cover letters, interview skills, assisting with further education planning etc. They also offer career fairs where employers come on campus and recruit students. As alumni you can also meet other alumni’s via TASTE/Career Conversations panels.

Career Centre

Graduate Studies

Are you thinking of furthering your studies? Most mature students tend to push their limits after completing their undergrad, they want more…this tends to lead to graduate studies. If grad studies is an option for you, check out what programs York offers:

Graduate Studies


When applying as a mature student you will need to think about specific mature student requirements, deadlines, transfer credits, fees (including the senior tuition waiver) and program requirements.

Admissions Department

To learn more about how it is to be a York U mature student, attend an information session or a campus tour. The admissions department at York can be of assistance:

Future Students website

York's Programs

York University offers many programs divided amongst 11 Faculties. York’s programs are cross-disciplined, and offer innovative course design and diverse experiential learning. The following link offers an opportunity for you to search the wide variety of programs offered:

Programs of Study

Mature Students Requirements

Mature students have different requirements when applying to York U than other students. In-depth details pertaining to the mature student requirements can be found here:

Admission and Application Procedures for Mature Students

Faculty Specific Requirements

Depending on the program you choose, there are Faculty-specific requirements that will be needed in order for you to be accepted into certain programs. You will need to know this information prior to applying, e.g. a certain level of math for the sciences or business programs etc.

Admission Requirements

Transfer Credits

Have you been to college or university in the past? If yes, you may be eligible for transfer credits. Click here to find out more about transfer credit options:

Transfer Students

Cost and Course Fees

Wonder how much it would cost to attend post-secondary? Click the following link for details on course fees:

Student Financial Services - Fees

OSAP, Scholarships & Bursaries

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) as well as York scholarships, awards and bursaries can assist you in paying your tuition. Check what financial aid you may be eligible for:


Senior Tuition Waiver

Does York university offer a Senior tuition waiver? Yes! The waiver applies to those who are 60+ years of age, who are registered in a degree program, study as a visiting student or auditing a course. Details on the waiver can be found here:

Waivers and Payments by a Third Party (External Agency)

Deadlines for Applying

York University accepts mature students in Fall, Winter and Summer sessions. There are specific deadlines for applying to York university for each session.

Deadlines For Undergraduate Study


MyFile is a software used by York U for prospective students to track their application process. You can log in using your reference number and your date of birth.
